Uno dei 2 uomini l’ha afferrata per un braccio: volevano abusare di lei ma, in quel momento, un piccolo cane randagio ha iniziato ad abbaiare facendo scappare gli aggressori. Quello che ha fatto poi la donna 

Quella che state per leggere è una storia di grande coraggio ed affetto. Ci troviamo in Grecia, precisamente a Creta, dove tempo fa una turista britannica è stata aggredita da due uomini.

Georgia Bradley, la turista venticinquenne, si è trovata circondata da due uomini sul bar una spiaggia deserta, che le hanno chiesto se le andava di bere qualcosa: dopo aver rifiutato le loro avances, uno dei due l’ha afferrata per un braccio, ma in quel momento un piccolo cane randagio ed abbandonato ha iniziato ad abbaiare all’impazzata contro i due uomini. Il piccolo si mise dalla parte di Georgia, ringhiando e mettendo in fuga gli aggressori.

A British tourist being attacked by two men in Greece was saved by this stray DOG - and then spent thousands of pounds to bring the heroic pooch home to live with her. See SWNS story SWDOG: Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley, 25, was surrounded by the aggressive males when she rejected their advances on a remote beach. Student Georgia's boyfriend was in a nearby cafe when the two men approached her and asked her to go for a drink. She refused and one of the men grabbed her arm - but a small black abandoned dog suddenly ran over and started barking at them.

Una volta tornata nel Regno Unito, abbronzata dal sole di Creta, Georgia non riusciva a smettere di pensare al piccolo soccorritore.

Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley with Pepper the dog who saved her from a group of aggressive men. See SWNS story SWDOG: A British tourist being attacked by two men in Greece was saved by a stray DOG - and then spent thousands of pounds to bring the heroic pooch home to live with her. Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley, 25, was surrounded by the aggressive males when she rejected their advances on a remote beach. Student Georgia's boyfriend was in a nearby cafe when the two men approached her and asked her to go for a drink. She refused and one of the men grabbed her arm - but a small black abandoned dog suddenly ran over and started barking at them.

Ha dunque voluto ricongiungersi col piccolo bastardino e ha iniziato una missione epica della durata di cinque settimane per ritrovare il randagio: dopo due escursioni sull’isola, 6000 miglia percorse avanti e indietro e tanta, tantissima buona volontà, ritrovò finalmente il cane sulla stessa spiaggia in cui lui l’aveva salvata. Lo adottò subito e lo chiamò Pepper, dopodiché tornò a casa sua a Calstock, nella Cornovaglia.

Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley with Pepper the dog who saved her from a group of aggressive men. See SWNS story SWDOG: A British tourist being attacked by two men in Greece was saved by a stray DOG - and then spent thousands of pounds to bring the heroic pooch home to live with her. Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley, 25, was surrounded by the aggressive males when she rejected their advances on a remote beach. Student Georgia's boyfriend was in a nearby cafe when the two men approached her and asked her to go for a drink. She refused and one of the men grabbed her arm - but a small black abandoned dog suddenly ran over and started barking at them.

Prima di essere in grado di viaggiare verso il Regno Unito, però, Pepper ha dovuto passare 21 giorni di quarantena in pensione per cani per evitare malattie esotiche, per poi venire microchippata, sverminata e dotata di passaporto.

Georgia Bradley's stray dog Pepper's young pups. See SWNS story SWDOG: A British tourist being attacked by two men in Greece was saved by a stray DOG - and then spent thousands of pounds to bring the heroic pooch home to live with her. Holidaymaker Georgia Bradley, 25, was surrounded by the aggressive males when she rejected their advances on a remote beach. Student Georgia's boyfriend was in a nearby cafe when the two men approached her and asked her to go for a drink. She refused and one of the men grabbed her arm - but a small black abandoned dog suddenly ran over and started barking at them.

Ah… e c’è anche una sorpresa! Il cane Pepper è una femminuccia e la settimana dopo essere arrivata a casa di Georgia, ha dato alla luce 6 bellissimi cuccioli. Per la ragazza è stata un’impresa a dir poco folle e soprattutto costosa, ma Pepper l’ha fatta sentire fin da subito al settimo cielo: il legame che le due hanno stretto è qualcosa di strabiliante e Georgia ha affermato che sarebbe disposta a rivivere l’esperienza, se ce ne fosse bisogno.


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