Era dolorante e in fin di vita e aveva chiesto aiuto ad una turista poco prima che prendesse l’aereo. Ma quella donna doveva partire perché doveva rientrare al lavoro… e lo lasciò lì… Pochi giorni dopo successe l’impensabile…

Questa è una di quelle storie che vi fanno capire come un vostro gesto, anche piccolo, può cambiare dei destini.

La storia comincia in Perù. Una donna californiana, Ursula Vari, si trovava in quel paese come turista. Quel giorno doveva prendere un aereo per tornare a Los Angeles quando, nei pressi dell’aeroporto, le si avvicinò un cane.

Le sue condizioni erano terribili e faceva fatica a camminare. Ma sembrava aver scelto lei e con gli occhi le chiedeva aiuto. Ursula non poteva fare nulla, anche perché doveva rientrare al lavoro e il suo volo stava per partire e sapeva che il cane non lo avrebbero fatto salire con lei sull’aereo.

When Ursula met Charlie in Peru, he had been  battered, abandoned and even hit by several cars

In August, Ursula returned to Peru to collect her new companion who she had rescued from the streets

The fluffy white dog is now enjoying life with another rescue dog at Vari's home in Los Angeles

Charlie was completely bald and had 'raw paws from walking endless miles on the melting concrete'

The pooch had mixed dermatitis, mites, bacterial dermatitis, mange, and severe acute malnutrition

After being told without medical care he would have days to live, Charlie underwent a medicated bath

In August, almost four months after she met Charlie, Vari flew back to Peru to bring him home to Los Angeles

The traveller said that although they had only met for 20 minutes more than four months before their reunion, Charlie new exactly who she was
Vari hugged the pooch after giving him a new lease of life
 Tornarono insieme negli Stati Uniti.

After flying over to Peru, Vari took the pup back with her to her American home where he even joins her at yoga classes

Since then he has experienced a lot for the first time, including walking on a lead, riding - and being sick - in a car, and even his first relationship with fellow rescue dog, Gelsemina

Posing with his girlfriend, Gelsemina, and owner Vari (right)
Anche la vita di Ursula è cambiata.

Vari said: 'On a daily basis, he teaches me patience, and that love doesn't know colour, breed, age or borders.'

The rescuer, who is learning Spanish to communicate with the pooch, added: 'Every night, I go to sleep every night with Charlie on my left, Gelsemina on my right and my book of 'Short Spanish Phrases' on my chest'

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