Il cane dal pelo duro come il cemento subisce una trasformazione

Vogliamo raccontarvi la storia di Lion King, un cane che ha vissuto i primi 5 anni della sua vita in strada, girovagando alla ricerca di cibo e di una carezza. Il cane viveva in un quartiere residenziale di Omaha, Nebraska e mangiava quello che gli abitanti del posto gli davano. Quando fuori pioveva o faceva freddo, King si rifugiava sotto i portici delle case.

The Lion King Rescue

New: Video of The Lion King rescue from yesterday. Watch John in action as he carries this dear boy to safety after three years of being homeless and on the run on the harsh streets of north Omaha. See the conditions he lived in under an abandoned house where he took refuge and view the first moments after he was finally captured. The neighbor next to the abandoned house dubbed him The Lion King. We think he is quite regal and was definitely the king of that neighborhood for three years. A very fitting name for a dear, sweet boy. We will post updates on his progress later today.To donate please visit our website at or to use Paypal you can use our Razoo donation page at you missed the rescue in progress story from last night you can view it here: Lion King thanks everyone for their well wishes, and thanks his friends Alisha, Natasha, Deann, Joni, Robert, Dave, Lori, John and Julie for sticking with him and bringing him to safety. It was a wonderful team effort!

Posted by Hearts United for Animals on Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Quando venne ritrovato il pelo di King era duro come il cemento, arruffato, sporco e pieno di parassiti. Il quartiere in cui viveva King era conosciuto per il suo alto tasso di criminalità. Per questa ragione molti soccorritori di animali lo evitavano. Solo i volontari dell’organizzazione HUA (Heart United for Animals) decisero di effettuare un tentativo di soccorso appena seppero di King.

The Lion King Makes Friends

The Lion King Makes Friends – John and Mac at HUA are spending time getting to know The Lion King, a stray who had been running homeless and alone on the streets of Omaha for 3 years. He was rescued by John and Julie at HUA just two days ago. John, Mac and Julie are taking it slow and the friendship is growing more quickly than they thought it would. The King loves to be petted, have his buns scratched and thinks treats are awesome. It is good to be The King!Julie is hoping he might be up for some grooming to get all of the paint and mats off of him later today, but if he isn't ready we will respect his wishes. He is drinking and eating well. We won't put him through going to the veterinarian, unless something becomes emergent, until after the holiday. He has had some medications at HUA, but other testing and procedures will need to wait until he gains more strength and confidence.You can make an online tax deductible donation through our website at or to use Paypal go to our Razoo page at The King thanks you!

Posted by Hearts United for Animals on Thursday, December 31, 2015

Non era facile avvicinare King. Il cane si sentiva al sicuro solo in mezzo agli altri cani e ai bambini. Molte persone raccontavano di averlo visto spesso accompagnando i bambini fino alla fermata dell’autobus. Una volte alcuni ragazzini gli colorarono il pelo di verde ma lui continuo a comportarsi in modo esemplare con loro.

Per riuscire a catturarlo e salvarlo dalla strada, King fu attirato da una signora in uno spazio chiuso. Da quel giorno la sua vita cambio.

The Lion King has a little bubbly (bath) for New Year's Eve – Earlier today, after consulting with his new found little…

Posted by Hearts United for Animals on Thursday, December 31, 2015

I volontari  dell’HUA hanno dovuto rasare il suo pelo che era duro come il cemento. Per adesso il suo migliore amico è un bellissimo simil beagle di nome Queenie.

King ha recentemente fatto visita a una scuola elementare in veste di ambasciatore dell’HUA. I volontari hanno spiegato ai bambini il loro lavoro.

Potete guardare il video che parla della sua trasformazione e, se vi fa piacere, condividere con gli altri la sua storia. Noi gli auguriamo una buona vita!

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