Va a comprare i biscotti ma torna con due cuccioli, la storia documentata su TikTok (VIDEO)

Hanno fatto il giro del mondo i contenuti TikTok dell’account Rescuermg. Si tratta di diversi video che raccontano la storia davvero commovente di un salvataggio multiplo. Una donna stava andando a comprare dei biscotti per i suoi colleghi di lavoro quando ha dovuto fermare la sua marcia per qualcosa che non poteva lasciarla indifferente. Si trattava di una scatola abbandonata sul ciglio della strada con dentro due cuccioli. Non appena l’hanno sentita avvicinarsi i due cagnolini sono corsi fuori mentre passava.

cuccioli trovati per strada

Proprio quando è scesa dall’auto, i cuccioli si sono diretti “trotterellando” verso di lei. Erano abbastanza dubbiosi sul da farsi ma emozionati allo stesso tempo. Infatti scodinzolavano e studiavano il potenziale amico umano. Sembrava avessero scelto loro per lei e per questo motivo, con tutta probabilità, sarebbero andati via con lei.


I just left work to go get some cookies for my coworkers 😭 I turned down a service road on my way back and thankfully spotted these two scurrying across the road. It appears they were dumped there with only that box for “shelter.” It was in the 30s-40s today with a chilly wind. They were sticky and gross. They’re emaciated and dehydrated. But they’re safe now. They’ve been bathed, fed, given dewormer, and 5 way shots. They could’ve been prevented if someone had only had their female dog fixed. I did search around for more puppies, but none appeared. #dogs #puppies #dogsoftiktok #puppiesoftiktok #puppylove #rescue #rescuedog#dogrescue #dogrescuecheck #spayandneuter #spayyourdog #bootsonthegroundrescue #whitewomanrescue #fixyourdamndog #southeastmissouri #missouridog

♬ original sound – Rmg

La donna, quindi, ha preso il primo cucciolo e lo ha portato in macchina mentre l’altro cucciolo osservava confuso. Poco dopo anche il secondo cagnolino è arrivato accanto al fratellino. Inizialmente, proprio credendo di essere abbandonato, aveva iniziato ad abbaiare in direzione della donna. “Mi stava dicendo di sbrigarmi e farla salire in macchina”, scrive la donna sul suo account TikTok raccontando il rocambolesco salvataggio.


Puppy update: The girls have had a good day so far! Think we’ve finally got all the worms out 🙌🏻 maybe we won’t have as much mess to clean up (who are we kidding they’re puppies 😂) you can see how thin they really are now, but I’m sure they’ll be fat and happy before to long! I think they’re German shepherd mixes with maybe some husky thrown in? They like to sing the song of their people, which I’ve found both breeds tend to enjoy doing 😂 Please spay/neuter, be a responsible pet owner, get involved with your local rescue, and be a good human! #rescue #rescuedog #puppiesoftiktok #puppy #puppyplay #puppyplaytime #rescuepuppy #happypuppies #southeastmissouri #missouridog

♬ Happy Days – Lux-Inspira

Era uscita per dei biscotti ed è tornata a lavoro con dei cuccioli. Entrambi sono arrivati presto a casa sua per essere lavati per bene. Entrambi i cagnolini erano sporchi e affamati, ma finamente erano al sicuro e al caldo. Sono stati necessari un paio di giorni per pulirli davero e a fondo, oltre che a rimetterli su un percorso sano. I piccoli hanno cominciato a esprimere il proprio carattere giocoso e curioso.


We went to the vets this morning to get their health certificate, saying they’re healthy enough to cross state lines 🥰 Blondie did not enjoy the scale (same girl, same), and Brownie tried to jump off the table several times so she could go explore some more. They both enjoyed all the attention they got 💕 they leave Friday for their new foster home, who has already puppy proofed her house, and set up their new digs (separately because Brownie is turning into a bully 🥲). As stated in some comments on previous videos, they will be adopted out separately, due to littermate syndrome. It doesn’t happen all the time, but the main goal is for happy forever homes, and they do not want one, or both returned, because they continue to fight. This can happen with puppies close to the same age as well, not just littermates. Again, this isn’t the case with every dog/home, but these two definitely display symptoms, and its going to be best for them to be placed separately. #puppies #puppylove #puppiesoftiktok #rescuedog #dog #rescuedog #rescuedogsoftiktok #rescue #dogrescue #vettime #littermatesyndrome #germanshepherdhuskymix #germanshepherd #husky #missouri #missouridogs

♬ A heartwarming background music inspired by food – MATSU

Dopo pochi giorni la donna ha anche trovato una famiglia affidataria che potesse accogliere e crescere insieme. Adesso i cuccioli si chiamano Brownie e Blondie. Una volta arrivato l’ok del veterinario, i cuccioli hanno viaggiato verso la nuova casa dove avrebbero vissuto per sempre e circondati da cure e amore.


The girls are off on the 1st leg of their adventure! It can definitely be bitter sweet to let them go, but I know they’re going to get amazing homes and lives! I take deep pride in being the 1st stop on so many souls journey to their forever homes. That I get to be the one to tell them they won’t suffer again. Thank you all for joining along with me & seeing the turning point for these girls and the ones that follow! Also a special shout out to whoever sent the cute little duck toy for them off our amzon wish list 🥰 we have recieved some dog food as well and we cant tell you how much you and your support is appreciated! The link to that is in my bio as well as my paypal & venmo. I was able to pay off our vet bill this week because of your generosity!! #dog #puppy #puppytiktok #puppylove #rescue #rescuepuppy #puppydog #dog #dogrescue #missouri #missouridog

♬ Goodbye – EuGene🔥

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